Week 4 Notes

Computer controlled cutting

Previous knowledge / experience

Tesselation of pieces for reduced material wastage

tess1 tess2




Building and expanding hex shelfs laser cut mdf


Kerf bending testing for external shell - our kerf was not measured correctly and it simply didnt hold being reassembled - deied the project objective



prepping the backing image for our Durable shelf


Laser cutting the brighton skyline - Took hours

laser cutting

Hex Brighton

nearly there

after finishing


For our Durable project, we tried to keep the hex shape as consistent as possible so tried kerf bending patterns that imitated that


Testing stuff out

trying to work out 3d viewer for stls

3d viewer ref more gitlab for stl

<script src="https://embed.github.com/view/3d/skalnik/secret-bear-clip/master/stl/clip.stl"></script>

Attempting to host the stl in creative cloud may not be the answer.. the url is a little bizarre:



three.js looks very interesting



task: vinyl cut and construction kit laser cut

the vinyl cutter was pretty detailed from what i saw of Luiz's stuff

ar unity

wire edm seems interesting look up

wonder if ethos would work at least for placement on the laser cutter that is in the fablab?

transfer adhesive - protect plus transfer adhesive to cut onto other materials.

half print, install vinyl circuitry rest print

ALEX put this in your thing ! auto circuit in your machine. swappable head that is part vinyyl cutter or something i dont know just cool!

3d circuit.. lights that pattern out as the circuit circuits..

3d circuit with thermochromatic vinyl material below heatsinks. fidget cube - leds - thermochromatic! reactive af!



ref for that: could be interesting to watch

can we make stuff now please

japanese wooden joints

oh laser cut gauge thing would be handy or gauge plus the odd measurment thing from ig

ig thing

lovely pkerf

laser= light amplification..

look up that internal bubble laser cut again.. i forget the process

fibre-metal, co2 - like uni laser, no metal, other type forgot.

get co2 to cut copper for traces?

durable = material waste hell!

although now useful to see what not to do :-D

side note: iframe kanban?

rewatch this section on laser set up and airflow sun eve? too late? difficult to plan atm. if I can markdown a plan kanban style as I doc, might make flow better or just ongoing at least. table could perhaps work.. ?

doc note - work though the weekly thing commenting thoughts on each or further learning oints. Pre structurable too.



cool af

what about lasecut glass? - bubble lasering - forgot


possible project change idea.... percolating.. build on last week practice...

what was that project that made the book with all the things? think des has the link? tree lights. force swing. ........

possibly just cad related? maybe link with electronics? obv needs some, but emphasis/visable/used interactively?

end global lecture

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