Week 6

3D printing

I started off the week printing out a component for my Tech module, this was ok, but I was not really learning anything,

so I tried out StructureSynth to create geometry from code.

Structure Synth


First up was testing out the sytanx that structure synth used 1

and then to create something interesting 2 Using the below code:

set background #fff
#define _md 400
#define _rz 0
#define _zoom 1

set maxdepth _md

{ rz _rz s _zoom } r0

rule r0 {
3 * { rz 120  } R1
3 * { rz 120 } R2

rule R1 {
{ x -1.3 rz 1.57 rz 6 ry 13 s 0.99 hue 1 sat 0.99 } R1
{ s 4   color black } box

rule R2 {
{ x -1.3 rz 6 ry 13 s 0.99 hue 1 sat 0.99 } R2
{ s 4 a 1  color red } box

Images and video embedded: arrows to switch


As I had played around with photogrammetry for my degree, I was more interested in meshing together point clouds on a larger scale. To coincinde with my mapping project I wanted to take the building height and topography of the area I am focusing on and generate a cad mesh from that. This was not as simple as originally percieved.

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